High Recognition Accuracy
- Using a novel deep learning architecture, the recognition
- accuracy can reach over 98%, and the transition of sleep stages is clearly presented.
Using deep learning and transfer learning algorithms, the system
automatically identifies the sleep stages of experimental animals and
performs grouped statistics and plotting based on sleep scoring results.
-Line charts, bar charts, power spectral density charts for group statistics
-Multitaper spectrogram, hypnogram, waveform, RMS curve diagrams for individual scorings
3.5 GHz 8th Generation Intel® Core™ i5 Processor with 4 CPU Cores or faster
3.5 GHz 2nd Generation AMD® Ryzen™ 5 Processor with 4 CPU Cores or faster
SpikeX Stage Automatic Sleep Analysis System (SaaS) is available for purchase in increments of 100 scoring hours, priced at £100 per package.
* Scoring hours represent the actual time spent on data scoring. For example, if 24 hours of data are recorded but only 12 hours are scored, selecting the time range in SpikeX Stage and running the scoring process will deduct only 12 hours. Once a time segment has been scored for the same experimental animal, it will not be deducted again, regardless of changes to channels, epoch models, re-scoring, or parameter adjustments.
To purchase scoring hours, please email support@spikex.co.uk.